Invited Talks
25th Dutch Soft Matter Meeting 'Effect of shape anisotropy and dipolar interactions on colloidal assembly', Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Nov 2018).
University of Konstanz 'Self-assembly of designer colloids: shape anisotropy and directional interactions', Konstanz, Germany (July 2018).
ESPCI Gulliver Seminar 'Colloidal design for self-assembly of novel materials', Paris, France (Nov 2017).
Radboud University ‘Colloidal design for self-assembly ’, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (February 2015).
Viva Fysica! 'Colloid Science: from magnetism to novel materials', Amsterdam, the Netherlands (January 2017)
Eindhoven University of Technology ‘Directing self-assembly of colloidal superballs ’, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (July 2015).
University of California San Diego ‘Colloidal superballs’, San Diego, USA (July 2013).
University of California Los Angeles ‘Colloidal superballs’, Los Angeles, USA (June 2012)
University of Chicago ‘Colloidal superballs’, Chicago, USA (March 2011).
Optimal 2010 ‘Observation of a shape-dependent random packing density maximum for colloidal ellipsoids’, Optimal 2010, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA (May 2010).
New York University ‘Random packing and colloidal crystallization of monodisperse ellipsoids’, New York University, New York, USA (February 2009).
25th Dutch Soft Matter Meeting 'Effect of shape anisotropy and dipolar interactions on colloidal assembly', Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Nov 2018).
University of Konstanz 'Self-assembly of designer colloids: shape anisotropy and directional interactions', Konstanz, Germany (July 2018).
ESPCI Gulliver Seminar 'Colloidal design for self-assembly of novel materials', Paris, France (Nov 2017).
Radboud University ‘Colloidal design for self-assembly ’, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (February 2015).
Viva Fysica! 'Colloid Science: from magnetism to novel materials', Amsterdam, the Netherlands (January 2017)
Eindhoven University of Technology ‘Directing self-assembly of colloidal superballs ’, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (July 2015).
University of California San Diego ‘Colloidal superballs’, San Diego, USA (July 2013).
University of California Los Angeles ‘Colloidal superballs’, Los Angeles, USA (June 2012)
University of Chicago ‘Colloidal superballs’, Chicago, USA (March 2011).
Optimal 2010 ‘Observation of a shape-dependent random packing density maximum for colloidal ellipsoids’, Optimal 2010, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA (May 2010).
New York University ‘Random packing and colloidal crystallization of monodisperse ellipsoids’, New York University, New York, USA (February 2009).
Contributed Talks
IACIS2018 'Synthesis of hematite microswimmers with enhanced photoactivity', Rotterdam, the Netherlands (May 2018).
ECIS 2017 'Colloidal Hematite Cubes: Magnetic Properties and Self-Assembly', Madrid, Spain (Sept 2017)
APS March Meeting 'Preparation and assembly of magnetic patchy colloids', New Orleans, USA (March 2017)
Italian Soft Days ‘Self-assembly of magnetic patchy particles’, Milan, Italy (June 2016).
APS March Meeting ‘Crack proparagation in attractive colloidal systems’, Baltimore, USA (March 2016).
19th Soft Matter Meeting ‘Self-assembly of magnetic colloids ’, Utrecht, the Netherlands (November 2015).
ASGSR Annual Meeting ‘Shape-sensitive crystallization in colloidal superball fluids’, Pasadena, USA (October 2014).
ACS Colloids & Surface Science Symposium ‘Shape-sensitive crystallization in colloidal superball flu- ids’, Philadelphia, USA (June 2014).
Physics@FOM ‘Depletion stabilized crystal phases of colloidal superballs’, Veldhoven, the Netherlands (January 2012).
Chains: chemistry as innovating science ‘Colloidal superballs’, Maarssen, the Netherlands (November 2011).
APS March Meeting ‘Cubic crystals from cubic colloids’, Dallas, USA (March 2011).
9th Soft Matter Meeting ‘Cubic crystals from cubic colloids’, Leiden, the Netherlands (November 2010).
ECIS 2010 ‘Depletion driven crystallization of colloidal cubes’, Prague, Czech Republic (September 2010).
ICSCS 2009 ‘Random packing and colloidal crystallization of monodisperse model ellipsoids’, Columbia University, New York, USA (June 2009).
NWO/CW Meeting ‘Liquid and Interfaces’ ‘Colloidal glasses and crystals of monodisperse ellipsoids’, Lunteren, the Netherlands (February 2009).
IACIS2018 'Synthesis of hematite microswimmers with enhanced photoactivity', Rotterdam, the Netherlands (May 2018).
ECIS 2017 'Colloidal Hematite Cubes: Magnetic Properties and Self-Assembly', Madrid, Spain (Sept 2017)
APS March Meeting 'Preparation and assembly of magnetic patchy colloids', New Orleans, USA (March 2017)
Italian Soft Days ‘Self-assembly of magnetic patchy particles’, Milan, Italy (June 2016).
APS March Meeting ‘Crack proparagation in attractive colloidal systems’, Baltimore, USA (March 2016).
19th Soft Matter Meeting ‘Self-assembly of magnetic colloids ’, Utrecht, the Netherlands (November 2015).
ASGSR Annual Meeting ‘Shape-sensitive crystallization in colloidal superball fluids’, Pasadena, USA (October 2014).
ACS Colloids & Surface Science Symposium ‘Shape-sensitive crystallization in colloidal superball flu- ids’, Philadelphia, USA (June 2014).
Physics@FOM ‘Depletion stabilized crystal phases of colloidal superballs’, Veldhoven, the Netherlands (January 2012).
Chains: chemistry as innovating science ‘Colloidal superballs’, Maarssen, the Netherlands (November 2011).
APS March Meeting ‘Cubic crystals from cubic colloids’, Dallas, USA (March 2011).
9th Soft Matter Meeting ‘Cubic crystals from cubic colloids’, Leiden, the Netherlands (November 2010).
ECIS 2010 ‘Depletion driven crystallization of colloidal cubes’, Prague, Czech Republic (September 2010).
ICSCS 2009 ‘Random packing and colloidal crystallization of monodisperse model ellipsoids’, Columbia University, New York, USA (June 2009).
NWO/CW Meeting ‘Liquid and Interfaces’ ‘Colloidal glasses and crystals of monodisperse ellipsoids’, Lunteren, the Netherlands (February 2009).